The Stolen but Redeemed Gift

My boys used to love the games at Chuck E. Cheese–heck, my husband still does! See, what they liked, beyond the fun and the challenge of the games themselves, was having the machines spit out tickets for how well they’d done on the game. They then earned as many tickets as they could with the money they’d been allowed and would take those tickets to a counter where they’d been eyeing that prize their friends would envy them for–as opposed to the plastic spider ring they actually could get.

ticketThose tickets–that’s what’s been on my mind this week. I don’t recall what the tickets actually say, but I’m pretty sure they say something like, “This ticket can be redeemed for–”

So they serve as a form of money–or payment. We hold on to those tickets like they are gold and pick up stray ones we see on the floor that someone has dropped, unknowingly, without care on their part. What’s the ticket worth? Yes, I know it’s just a piece of paper that we use in a gaming exchange for prizes, but I can’t help but feel we all have that one ticket that means more than anything to us.

To me, that ticket was my childhood innocence. I didn’t know how much that ticket meant until it was taken from me. And the boy who took it–didn’t give me a wonderful prize of love or affection. Instead, he stole my innocence, joy, self-worth, and control. His way of “paying” for my exchange of my ticket was not how I would have dreamed of redeeming my prize. In fact, there was no valued “prize.”

I want that ticket back.

I want to take back the moment he forced me to become vulnerable to his urge. I want to take back the feeling of knowing what he was doing–all that he was doing–was so wrong. I want to take back my ticket of knowing that what he was doing TO me was not the way I wanted or deserved to be treated.

I want that ticket that takes away the feeling of being an object of pleasure.

I want that ticket back!

But he stole it from me.

And he stole it from my husband.

He took my ticket and didn’t give me a beautiful prize in exchange.


I want that ticket back.

I want to take it back and have it REDEEMED by a loving, gracious exchange.

I know–I WANT to know–that Christ HIMSELF–can take that ticket of my innocence and can Himself REDEEM–“regain or gain possession of something”–in exchange for HIS purchase of ME. Christ REDEEMS us–“frees us from captivity by payment” by His death and resurrection.


Colossians 1:13-14 claims this truth:  “For HE has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have REDEMPTION, the forgiveness of sins.”

Christ paid the ultimate prize for me—He redeems me.

*Author’s note:  My name is Phoenix. I’m just a simple gal living a simple life for God. I’m a wife, mom, teacher, and writer/blogger. I want to let you know how humbled I am that you found my blog and chose to read the words God has given me this day. If you find this, or any other of these writings helpful or encouraging to you or someone you know, please feel free to share with your community/social media/e-mail, etc. I am willing to be used by God and welcome your extension of grace and encouragement.

Blessings to you all. I will rise . . .


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